Most of us try to avoid ads—ponying up 99 cents for ad-free apps or fast forwarding through commercials via the DVR. But for those of you who enjoy a glossy advertisement now and then, Apple has released an app comprised solely of the advertisements in its iAd program.
The "iAd Gallery" app, available for free in the App Store, gives users a glimpse into the ads that Apple is serving up on its network. When you first sign in, Apple showcases eight of its newest ads, which users can scroll through and tap for more information. See one your particularly adore? Tap it and hit the heart button on the top-right corner to "Love" it and save for later.
The main point of the app is likely to get other advertisers to sign up for iAds, so there is, of course, the opportunity for companies to reach out and get more information from Apple.
Developers looking to mimic this strategy might want to think again. According to Inneractive, Apple recently pulled an app called Ads Tube, which aggegated Apple's ads into one app, for a "lack of functionality." But Apple soon introduced iAd Gallery, which does the same thing as Ads Tube. This is nothing new; Apple has frequently been criticized for the random nature of its App Store. And it's not surprising that it wants to have control over its own iAd program.
In February, there were reports that Apple had slashed the minimum $1 million purchase in half for its mobile advertising platform, several months after it broke into the European market.
The company launched its first iAd for the iPad in December, featuring Disney's upcoming movie "Tron Legacy."
For more, see What Will Apple's iAds Mean for You?
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