Q. I’ve seen TV commercials for software found from MaxMySpeed.com that allegedly cures a slow computer. Could this, or competing programs, be effective for our Dell 8250 with a Pentium 4 (speed 2.53 gigahertz) 512 megabytes of memory and a 120 gigabyte hard drive?
This type of program, which cleans up malicious or advertising software, can modestly improve PC speed. But it can’t make up for the fact that your PC was introduced in 2002, and as a result runs more slowly when it uses newer software for things like Web browsing or virus protection.
If you want to see how much you can speed up your PC, there are many cleaning software programs at www.tinyurl.com/5ubdetu. In addition, I’ve been recommending the free software at www.Malwarebytes.org.
You also might make your PC run a little faster by adding more Random Access Memory (RAM). But I question whether it’s worth the investment of $80 to $160 to add a gigabyte of RAM when a new and much faster desktop PC costs less than $400.
Q. How does a person delete entries in their own name that are posted on Google?
There’s no single easy way to erase your presence on Google.
To prevent your name from showing up in Google search results of non-Google Web pages, ask the owner of those pages to remove it.
To delete your own post on Google’s blogs, see www.tinyurl.com/4zhv54l.
Deleting your name from someone else’s blog posts is harder. Google won’t delete “personal attacks or alleged defamation, parody or satire of individuals, distasteful imagery or language, or political or social commentary” without a court order.
But Google sometimes deletes posts involving hate against specific groups, pornography, dangerous and illegal activity, online crime or impersonation. To report these behaviors, see www.tinyurl.com/nkbacv.
Q. Recently I’ve been unable to delete messages from the in-box of my Microsoft Outlook Express 2003 e-mail program. Instead, I have to manually move them to the junk mail folder. How can I fix this problem?
You can solve it by getting rid of the troublesome “deleted items.dbx” file. For directions, see www.tinyurl.com/d9jg45.
Send questions to Tech Q&A, 425 Portland Ave. S., Minneapolis, MN 55488-0002 or steve.j.alexander@gmail.com. Include your full name, city and phone number.
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